hillside College

Hillside College

"Deeds not words"



Installation electricians are responsible for the installation of wiring, control equipment, switchboards, etc, in compliance to safety regulations. Furthermore they are evolved in planning the installations and accurately selecting cables, conductors and protective devices for the installation. The ongoing demand for the services of installation electricians is ceaseless since the demand for electricity in industrial, commercial and housing markets continues to grow annually.

The following are subject choices for N1 and N2

Please note that the minimum number of subjects per level is four (4)

* means compulsory subject

! means optional subject

Subject Choices for N1 to N 3
subject N1 N2
electrical trade theory *
Mathematics * *
Engineering Science ! !
Engineering Drawing ! !
logic Systems !
industial Electronics * *
Installation Rules *

The following are subject choices for N4 to N6:

Please note that the minimum number of subjects per level is four (4)

* means compulsory subject

! means optional subject

Subject Choices for N4 to N 6
subject N4 N5 N6
Mathematics * * *
industrial Electronics * * *
electrictronics ! ! !
Engineering Science !
Engineering Physics ! !
mechanotechnics ! ! !
Supervisory Management ! ! !
Power Machines ! ! !
Strength of materials ! !
Control systems !